
14 July 2019

Mail Call

P.S. Still experimenting with building these posts in HTML and then pasting the work to a blank Blogger page. Getting better at formatting text and using fonts not offered in Blogger. Now if I could only figure out how to get an embed code from Apple's Photos or Google Photos, I'd be in business.


  1. Growing up postcards were always fun to send and receive, even the plain old only notes ones. My sister and I loved to send them whenever we went some place. Now most of the postcards I receive are junk mail ones.

    1. That’s funny.. I was thinking the same thing when I wrote the post.

  2. Sign up at and you can send and receive interesting postcards to your heart's content. This week I got one from Luxembourg, as well as a nice digital thank-you from a lady in Russia who got one of mine. Oh, and they still make special postcard stamps. This year's feature coral reefs. International rates are the same as letters, though.

    1. Never heard of that. I’ll pursue that. Sounds like fun. I have some of those International Forever Stamps, so I can put them to use.

      My address is on its way to you.

  3. Glad you got the card, I’m putting to practice my idea of typing on adhesive labels for postcards.

    As for HTML, I only have experience with embedded image links from Flickr into Blogger. You need to find the image link that begins with “H T T P” and ends with “. J P E G” and enclose it in the “A H R E F” code sequence, including image size values.

    1. I saw how Flickr let you get an embed code, but Google and Apple don’t allow it. I can import the photos directly to the Blogger site and then edit them, but I liked the way you created your post in Notes and later posted it directly to your blog. Nifty trick.

      There is a letter headed your way with some thoughts and ideas regarding thermal labels.
