
26 January 2020

Keeping In Touch

Amendment: Looks like postage went up today. International postcards now cost $1.20


  1. Typing a letter or card is quite enjoyable. Besides no one could read my scribbles. I also correspond by typewritten document rather than digital when possible (of ham radio where I do use the original form of communications CW; the Morse Code). Happy typing & postcarding.

    PS our winter has been ceaseless rain instead of the normal snow.

    1. Ham radio is analog and Morse code, like typing, requires thought just like a letter. In email and social media it’s too easy to send a comment. Unfortunately they can’t be unsent. I like to re-read my letters before sending. More thought... less knee jerk.

      Speaking of rain, it’s coming down in buckets now.

  2. I've been on Postcrossing for a year and really enjoy it. Have you figured out how to type on a postcard? My typewriter can't handle it.

    1. Hi Daisy. I type my notes on paper and glue them to the card. Same with the address, I print it from postcrossing an cut and paste it and the ID to the card too.

    2. Oh I see. Having just googled for alternatives I found another idea:

    3. Wow, that is crazy complicated. I just bought a few sheets of 2" x 3" blank labels, type on them, peel and stick. Cut smaller if necessary. Works for me!

    4. Daisy, I tried this and found it a lot of work for a poor result. You may have better luck.

    5. I agree John. Too much faff. I was looking for a label. Most of my card need a 3 x 3.5 size. Have you ever seen a 3 x 3, or 3 x 4.
