
01 October 2018

Thanks For The Memories

Combining the new technology with the old worked well. I dictated some fleeting thoughts into my iPhone and then went back to compose a couple of paragraphs to get the ball rolling. A few days later I sat in a local coffee shop and wrote the rough draft in pen and ink. Ultimately, I composed the final, though still in need of grammar and word-smithing to the typewriter. 

All in all this was a relatively smooth process. I am having some Google issues and am unable to comment or reply to Blogger posts, even in my own blog. According to the help forum, this is not new and may never be solved. Might be time to switch to Chrome browser. Hmmm... [insert favorite conspiracy theory rant here] 



  1. Firefox, baby! :D
    Heh, I rarely worry about what I've typed for a post after the typebars hit the paper. Sometimes it's nonsense, but Dear Readers seem willing to sluff through the dreg posts for the gems. Often I'm surprised that stuff I think is subprime dreck still speaks to some people. You never know. :D

    1. Ahhh subprime dreck. I like it. :) I'm really good at that.

      I'm in Chrome now and it seems to work. (no wonder, eh)
